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Top 10 Reasons to Get Clean and Sober Reasons to Stay Sober

Living a sober life will give you way more time than living with addiction. This is because when you suffer from addiction, you become consumed with getting more alcohol or drugs and that alone. But, when you become sober, you get to have all the time that you would have normally used to obtain substances while suffering from addiction.

  • When the effects wore off, all I could think about was the pain, so I drank and took more pills.
  • When you’re sober, you’ll feel sharper and more alert, and you’ll remember things better.
  • This is one of the reasons, the I Am Sober app focuses on celebrate your milestones, so you see the immediate reward as you build to longer and longer milestones.
  • As you maintain sobriety, you’ll notice significant physical changes when looking in the mirror.
  • This may help you make amends with the people you love.

Check out our Recovery Stories from alumni to read how sobriety has affected their lives. The grips of drug and alcohol addiction can deny you from appreciating and seeing your self-worth. When you remove substances from the equation, you will rediscover the person you truly are — a person worthy of love, respect, and limitless potential. As addictions spiral out of control, addicts have less control over their lives.

7 Help for Drug & Alcohol Use

They probably knew how worthless and unreliable I was. The big thing is that I knew it – and I found that I really didn’t like it. And I knew the cause was my drinking, which had gotten way out of control quite some time ago. The only way I’d regain my self-esteem would be to get clean and sober. One day I just woke up and said, that’s it, I’m quitting drinking for good. Then I got help, because I knew I couldn’t do it alone.

I want to be able to provide for my family again. But I want to be the kind of person that can get and hold onto a good job. I want to regain my sense of purpose, to be proud of myself and who I am. No matter what the impulsive part of your personality may be telling you during the tough times, it’s important to recall why you entered recovery in the first place. Remind yourself that alcohol never solved your problems, it just added to them.

You’ll Get the Opportunity to Repair Broken Relationships

Douglas said she started limiting her alcohol even before January began, and already noticed she’s sleeping better. Join a recovery support group of people just like you. It does not need to be rigorous exercise, it does not even need to be long. Go for a 15 minute walk and you’ll be better for it.

It won’t happen overnight, and you will likely have setbacks – this is… For many people with a substance use disorder, it’s simply a matter of never having learned the appropriate way to manage anger. But for most people, staying sober isn’t that straightforward. The more strategies you learn to identify triggers, cope with stress, and manage your new sober life, the easier it is to prevent relapse.

Addiction Treatment Programs at Promises Behavioral Health

And while many people enjoy the numbing of pain, sadness, and fear… It also prevents the experiencce of love, compassion and happiness. Being able to feel is a tremendous gift, one that we have the luxury of exploring.

Not only will you save money, but society at large will, too. The cost of helping to manage addiction is very high, and taxpayers are footing some of this bill. Hospital bills, legal fees, and community damage are all costs that must be paid by someone. You can take in every second, and not feel like your life is passing you by in a whirlwind of blurred memories. Methamphetamine use can lead to depression, paranoia, hallucinations, and anxiety.

Sobriety fosters personal development, enabling individuals to explore new passions, set and achieve goals, and find a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Struggling to stay sober is part of the recovery journey, but the rewards are immeasurable. By facing and overcoming these challenges, individuals become a beacon of hope for others struggling with addiction. Sharing their stories of recovery and resilience can inspire and motivate others to embark on their own path to sobriety.

  • Below are 19 reasons to get sober this upcoming year.
  • Shame is having negative beliefs about yourself and your self-worth.
  • Another reason to stay sober and clean is, Having a drug problem can be detrimental to your finances in many ways.

Substance abuse only reinforces and deepens these thoughts, chipping away at your self-esteem while strengthening its grip on you. You can find healing in sobriety from the poisonous effects of drugs and alcohol on your self-esteem and your overall health. You can regain your confidence in all aspects of your life as you find redemption in recovery. reasons to be sober Addiction to drugs or alcohol has devastating impacts on your physical health and causes many chronic illnesses, cancers, and other diseases — and even death. By getting help and finding recovery, you can avoid developing life-threatening complications from substance abuse. In sobriety, you will lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Such issues are more easily faced with a clear head and healthy body. I don’t know about you, but I had a tendency to drink more heavily than normal when I was upset or sad. This way of drinking led me to do and say things that I wouldn’t have said or done while sober. Unfortunately, more often than not, I ended up worse off than I had been before adding alcohol to the equation. The way I viewed myself and the problems I was facing deteriorated even more once alcohol was added.

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