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O prefeito  Fernando Mansur ( Ferlú ), se reuniu com a secretária de Políticas para as Mulheres, Elisangela Araújo,  acompanhado pelo deputada estadual, Fabíola Mansur, onde foram tratados politicas públicas em defesa das mulheres de Arataca.

Na oportunidade o prefeito solicitou a implantação em Arataca de um Cram- Centro de Referência ao Atendimento a Mulher e também cursos de captação para as mulheres, principalmente da zona rural. ” Fomos bem recepcionados pela secretária e saímos com a certeza de que muitos benefícios serão destinados para as mulheres da nossa cidade”, garantiu Ferlú.

Participaram ainda da reunião, o  secretário de Governo, Renato Freitas, a secretária de Meio Ambiente, Agricultura e Turismo, Nilda Bonfim, e da presidente do PV, Ninha.


Foram divulgadas nesta terça-feira (6/6) ,com a cobertura dos repórteres Leandro Palma e Taise Nascimento do VNews Ba e Tv News Ba, as atrações e os detalhes do São João em Salvador, promovido pelo Governo do Estado. Serão três palcos principais da festa, que terá seis dias de shows e contará com grandes atrações da música brasileira como a dupla Jorge e Mateus e os cantores Flávio José, Alceu Valença e Geraldo Azevedo.

Brasil vai usar uniforme preto em ação contra o racismo

A seleção brasileira entra em campo no próximo dia 17 de junho, em Barcelona, para encarar a equipe de Guiné. A Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) decidiu que a equipe vai entrar em campo com o uniforme todo preto. A medida inédita faz parte da campanha contra o racismo amplificada pela discriminação e ofensas direcionadas a Vini Jr.

Carta de Repúdio dos comerciários de Ilhéus

Nós, comerciários de Ilhéus, estamos revoltados com a notícia de que o comércio vai abrir no feriado de Corpus Christi. Uma vergonha!  Um sindicato que nunca foi voz para os trabalhadores e uma CDL que é extremamente a favor dos empresários. Onde fica o lado humano? Somos explorados diariamente. Salários baixos e uma entidade sindical que nunca valorizou o trabalhador. Fizeram toda a manobra sem ao menos ouvir os trabalhadores, que foram comunicados no final da tarde desta terça-feira (06). Para piorar a situação e exigir ainda mais dos comerciários, é provável que teremos que trabalhar no dia 24 de Junho (São João). Apelamos ao nosso Sindicato para que entre na luta, a fim de evitar que o trabalhador seja sacrificado, sem qualquer tipo de apoio financeiro por parte dos comerciantes. Recebemos salários baixos, sem hora-extra e ainda somos explorados e cobrados diariamente.

Feriado de Corpus Christi não é de trabalho e, sim, de descanso!

Flirting With Fixing their gaze Techniques

Flirting with eye contact techniques can be one of the powerful and effective ways to convey desire for someone without even saying a word. However , it can also be probably the most difficult and awkward attempt master, especially if you’re uncertain where to start. In this article, we’ll give you a handful of guidelines on how to flirt with eye contact in various situations as well as how to make that feel natural and confident rather than forced or perhaps uneasy.

The first thing you should remember is normally that there is a few different types of eye contact and it’s significant to know them all prior to starting. Level 0: Unconscious Glimpse

This really is every time a person’s eyes meet to get a flash but they are not aware that they did. Usually, this is a sign that they are interested in you but are shy to say so or do not want to come across mainly because creepy.

Level you: Intentional View

When a person looks at you intentionally, it is very an obvious signal that they’re drawn to you. They’re not necessarily gonna approach you right away, nonetheless they’ll become more likely to continue participating in conversation with you or perhaps ask you out than if they will didn’t look at you.

Practice by looking persons in the eye while you walk across the road or simply because you’re obtaining things at the grocery store. It may feel weird at first, but over time it’ll become more natural. You may also try using the triangle technique by simply slowly shifting your look between their particular eyes, their very own mouth, and next back to their very own eye.


Elemento identificado como Emerson Junior, foi baleado agora a pouco, fato ocorrido no bairro São Pedro em Itabuna. A vítima estava traficando drogas, quando foi surpreendido pela policia militar. Houve troca de tiros e o acusado foi encaminhado para o hospital de Base de Itabuna. Com informações repórter Ray Nascimento.


O médico José Henrique de Carvalho, sofreu um infarto e teve que ser submetido a uma angioplastia.  O procedimento foi considerado um sucesso e o médico continua internado no STI da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Itabuna. Um dos melhores médicos da Bahia, José Henrique foi secretário de Saúde de Itabuna e trabalha em diversas cidades da região, entre elas no hospital de Base em Itabuna e atende na cidade de Arataca.


Está definido o rival do Bahia nas quartas de final da Copa do Brasil. Em sorteio realizado na tarde desta terça-feira (6), na sede da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF), foi definido que o Tricolor irá encarar o Grêmio na briga pela classificação às semifinais. A primeira partida será na Arena Fonte Nova e a decisão será na Arena do Grêmio.

Itabuna: VidaMed construtora realiza revitalização e contrução da nova Câmara de Vereadores

Vida Med Construtura em dias diante de uma grande obra que teve a iniciativa do presidente da câmara Erasmo Ávila e acertou na contratação da empresa.

A Câmara de Vereadores de Itabuna passou por um processo de reforma completa de sua estrutura física através de edital de licitação, na modalidade concorrência pública que teve a VidaMed Construtora, como empresa vencedora que está realizando a requalificação no imóvel em 90 dias, um tempo recorde para o tamanho da reforma , que já está em mais da metade da reforma

A VidaMed construtora é bastante conhecida em todo nordeste brasileiro, pela competência e por ter o costume de entregar os trabalhos contratados antes do prazo estipulado, por esse motivo tem obras em todo estado do Bahia e demais estados nordestinos.

Vale lembra o prédio do legislativo a um bom tempo não passava por uma reforma deste tamanho modificando toda estrutura daquela localidade.

Em conversar com o empresário Orleans Dantas, o principal lema da empresa é manter sua integridade e exige de sua equipe agilidade nos serviços prestados.

” Calculamos o tempo de acordo o tamanho do serviço, tenho uma equipe de profissionais, que trabalha com dedicação, na minha empresa não tem patrão e funcionário e sim irmãos que trabalha em união ” afirmou Orleans.



SANTA LUZIA: Prefeitura Municipal, em parceria com as Secretarias Municipais realizam a Semana do Meio Ambiente, com o Projeto de Conscientização e Preservação do Meio Ambiente

A Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia em parceria com as Secretarias de Educação, SEMAMTUR, Secretaria de Obras e Vigilância Sanitária e Ambiental, realizaram a Semana do Meio Ambiente, com o Projeto de Conscientização e Preservação do Meio Ambiente, que tem como objetivo de conscientizar a população sobre a importância da preservação do meio ambiente e de manter uma cidade limpa. 

Na última quinta-feira (01/06), foi realizado no Centro Educacional de Santa Luzia, a abertura do Projeto com o especialista em Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável Marcos Antônio Costa Lemos, que palestrou sobre a importância da preservação do meio ambiente.

Na sexta-feira (02/06) foi realizado o ECOCINE, no Auditório da Prefeitura Municipal, sobre o documentário “O LIXO NOSSO DE CADA DIA”, para as turmas do 8º e 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental II do Centro Educacional de Santa Luzia e o 7º ano da Escola Municipal Santa Luzia, dos turnos matutino e vespertino, onde posteriormente os alunos realizarão um relatório sobre o documentário.

Nesta segunda-feira (05/06), em comemoração ao Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente foi realizada uma Mobilização de Conscientização com panfletagem e a coleta dos resíduos sólidos nas principais ruas do município, com os alunos e professores do 6º e 7º ano, da Escola Municipal Santa Luzia. A Secretaria de Obras acompanhou com o maquinário auxiliando na coleta.

How to Find a Sugardaddy on Sugar Daddy Date

Sugar daddy night out is an internet online dating site that helps people meet up with potential sweets daddies. This allows visitors to find one another based on their particular interests and goals for the purpose of the relationship. Additionally, it enables visitors to make an association without the pressure of having to pay money. It has a reputation designed for becoming safe and reliable, several sites check incomes, have stern search filtration systems, and offer pretty long personality lab tests. This website is a wonderful option for anyone searching for00 a sugar daddy to teacher them in a variety of techniques.

As you meet your sugar daddy for the first time, you want to make a fantastic impression about them. You may be anxious or thrilled, but make an effort to keep the dialogue light and fun. During the night out, you should preserve eye contact with your sugar daddy to show them that you are focusing and interested in all of them. You should also try to avoid getting too critical or demanding.

An effective way to find a sugar daddy through joining a sugar seeing site. These websites have a fast signing up procedure and you can set out to browse for potential fits immediately. Following registering, you must update your profile with desirable photos and information about your wants and needs in a relationship. You can also produce a list of your selected activities and hobbies to help you find an preferred match.

One of the most well-liked sugar daddy dating websites is certainly SeekingArrangement. The web site is completely totally free for women, nevertheless men have to pay to warning women or view their private photos. The site is secure and uses moderators to make certain members happen to be honest and not spamming the internet site. In addition to finding a sugar daddy, you can also sign up for an online community of people who are looking for mutually beneficial relationships.

There are several various kinds of sugar daddies, but the most popular is a guy who has a whole lot of disposable income. This kind of type of sugar daddy really likes going to luxury restaurants, concerts, and events. He also wants to be surrounded by beautiful people. Among my friends used to have a sugar daddy who took her out because his provide candy by charity fundraisers, and your sweetheart got to wear one of the most glamorous dresses.

A different type of sugar daddy is mostly a man who will be looking for someone for taking his mind off of work-related stress. He might be having difficulties in his marriage or career, and he’s looking for anyone to talk to. He might be considering a divorce.

If you are seeing a abundant sugar daddy, try taking these people out to a composition park or perhaps other visitors attractions that happen to be designed for entertaining. This will help these people calm down and have some fun. You can also take the tablets to a attractive bar following the park so that they can get their beverage on. Having refreshments together may help you build up a bond and start to get to know them better.

20 Dating Warning flags That Should Send Running

It’s important to keep the eyes wide open and become aware of warning flags when seeing. They could signal that something is very wrong and also you need to run away. The good news is that realizing red flags early on can help you prevent them in the future.

While it could okay to be flexible and compromise with all your spouse from time to time, in cases where they regularly ask you to sacrifice your private happiness, it has the time to call it quits. It’s also not OKAY for them to cause you to be feel like you are the only person they love, even in the beginning of internet dating.

When your partner makes remarks about your overall look, body or personal options that are attacking, you need to take this as a red flag. It’s not really compliment and it can be quite pessimistic in the long run.

When a person is late for date ranges on a regular basis, it is frustrating, particularly if they are certainly not apologetic and have no justification. It can be a signal of their insufficient respect designed for other people’s as well as it may also signify that they are irresponsible.

A common red flag in relationships is lying about money, careers, and other significant details of your lives collectively. This can be a severe issue that could cause you of tension in the long run, therefore it is best to dwelling address it at the beginning and avoid any kind of future challenges.

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An alternative red flag is definitely when a person tries to adjust you to go to about their past relationships at the first date. They can typically use this tactic to play the victim and make you feel i’m sorry for them. This can be most likely an indicator of narcissism and it can be toxic towards the relationship in the long run.

Lots of people who have a lot of control in their work and home lives can sometimes be a bit controlling and pushy in the beginning of relationships. Yet it’s a red light if they have so much power that that they start to suffocate their partners. If they smother you and refuse to let you be yourself, it’s unhealhy and can ultimately lead to bitterness.

Discussing exes on the 1st date and especially badmouthing all of them can be a red flag of a narcissist or somebody who is not trustworthy. This kind of behavior is often a way a bit of assistance to try to cause you to be feel like you need to rescue these people from their “crazy” exes.

It’s a red light to not talk well with your partner, but 2 weeks . major problem if they are not open to hearing whatever you have to say and/or defensive and argumentative when you express the point of view. It’s also a red flag to never have any kind of disagreements whatsoever, which is not a nutritious sign of your relationship. A lack of communication can make a huge wall membrane that will be hard to climb in the future.

Exactly what does it Suggest to Be in Love?

Love is actually a complex mix of thoughts and chemistry. It is often challenging to define, but it really can be defined as hoping for someone, hanging out with them as soon as they aren’t around, and trusting a single some other.

Whilst lust can be quite a part of affectionate someone, is considered also important to simply accept them in general person, flaws and all.

Be Your Real Traditional Self Around Your Partner

A common trait of the people who are in love is definitely the desire to use as much time as possible together with your partner. You might find yourself rearranging your schedule Read Full Article just to discover them or perhaps forgetting about spending time with all your friends.

When youre in love, it’s likewise common to end up being curious about your partner and their hobbies. You’ll have the ability to ask questions and definitely listen to their answers. This will help you discover more information, which includes their strengths and weaknesses.

An effective way to exhibit your like is through little actions, such as baking dinner or bringing you your selected caffeine. When you’re in take pleasure in, you take pleasure in these kinds of small operates of closeness and will really want to perform them for your partner.

Be Grateful of Your Partner’s Value

A major part of absolutely adore is normally supporting your spouse. Whether it’s supplying a shoulder to cry on, which makes them breakfast while having sex, or simply letting them be aware that you’re contemplating them—love shows up when you least expect it.

When you happen to be in take pleasure in, you support your partner to reach their particular goals, regardless if it means sacrificing some time together. This could end up being anything from helping with the kids to having a cab with their job once they’re unwell.

You additionally show your partner appreciation by simply listening to them, not just experiencing their gripes. Your partner can’t read your mind though, hence it’s crucial to communicate just how you need to feel appreciated in the romance. You can do this by setting up a list of ways your partner can show you love and next committing to undertaking them on a regular basis. They’ll enjoy it, too! You will both come to feel more fulfilled. That’s just how relationships work best, of course. Then, if the rough outages come, you’ll be more powerful for it.

Be Honest on your own

Being genuine is a big part of manifesting like. You have to be true to yourself so that you know what you want, how you feel and just how you’ll respond in different situations. This isn’t easy, although it’s necessary if you want to find like that can last.

When ever you’re in like, it’s common to want to be on your best action around the person you love. This doesn’t mean youre putting on an midst, but that you’re highlighting your talents while keeping any destructive characteristics on the down-low.

You care about their successes, failures, dreams, goals and worth. You respect all their individual individuality and support them as they develop. You prioritize them above your individual interests, but not for the point of codependency. This is an indication of real, true love. When looks fade, this type of like remains a consistent that remains with you intended for the long lasting. It’s the type of love that Mufasa defined to Simba in The Big cat King.

Be Open to Manifesting

There are various ways to show itself love, nevertheless one way that may be especially powerful is to easily live just like you already found it. This could include a few small items, like dress up as you may to meet your partner or perhaps making space at home for them. Also you can write down exactly what you want in a partner, including your must-have’s and nice-to-have’s.

While lust can be centered throughout the passion of physical intimacy, like is centered about commitment, trust, respect, and companionship. You are used in each other’s success and support each other even if it is difficult.

If you are able to different these feelings from ego and attachment, you can express true love. You can feel the minds racing, froid throbbing, cannot get enough of you, feeling of absolutely adore while maintaining healthier boundaries and respecting one another. It’s a exquisite thing! Although be careful, it’s simple to fall into the romanticized version of affection that is frequently portrayed in movies.

Precisely what are the Best Online Dating Sites to Use?

Online dating can be a good way to find like, but it also comes with its fair share of predators. Luckily, there are some solutions to protect yourself the moment you’re looking for the serious marriage or just a casual date.

Whether you’re looking for heterosexual, LGBTQAI+, or possibly a platonic connection, these are a few of the safest online dating services to use.

Tinder: This popular dating software is known for its moving feature and it is available on mobile devices. It has a online privacy policy that helps bring about safety and offers profile assistance for people who will need this. It also comes with a photo confirmation feature that enables people to require a selfie in real-time and verify the identity. A blue checkmark appears up coming to verified profiles.

Hinge: This online dating app includes a mission declaration that supports value for others on the platform and has a zero-tolerance plan for elegance, harassment, or perhaps threats. In addition, it offers a number of features that help with safeness, including the capability to report suspect messages and mass members who definitely have violated the city guidelines.

Seeking: This kind of dating internet site has a huge user base and is normally well-known due to the safe, friendly atmosphere. It is matchmaking system uses behavioral patterns and a personality test to offer its users daily recommendations. Additionally, it performs voluntary background records searches and 2-factor authentication for its participants.

Ashley Madison: This dating site is normally primarily with regards to married people who are searching for extra marriage sex, nonetheless it does have a public section that’s accessible to everyone. Their user base is certainly extensive and its features include forums, private messaging, virtual occassions, and a secure transaction processing system. It also has a reputation just for reducing catfishing and scams, as well as aiding people free yourself from degrading relationships.


Um corpo do sexo masculino, de identidade ignorada, foi encontrado morto próximo do Hospital Costa do Cacau, às margens da BR-415, trecho do Banco da Vitória.

O cadáver foi localizado trajando bermuda vermelha boiando na água, em avançado estado apresentando a ossada em todo o corpo.

A polícia militar e o departamento de polícia técnica foram acionados para o levantamento cadavérico e remoção do corpo para necrópsia.

Ainda não se sabe das circunstâncias do caso, que será investigado pela polícia judiciária competente.


Valdenilson Oliveira dos Santos, 44 anos, mais conhecido como Cacique Val, da aldeia Tetamo e Mangaba, no Acuipe de Baixo, teve morte cerebral na tarde desta segunda-feira (05) no Hospital Regional Costa do Cacau.

A esposa dele, a Srª Cátia disse que “o coração do Cacique Val ainda está pulsando nesse momento, mas com o milagre de Deus e as orações de todos, a saúde dele será restabelecida”.

Ainda de acordo com a esposa, Cacique Val sofreu um AVC (Acidente Vascular Cerebral) na noite deste domingo (04), no momento em que estava acompanhado dos filhos em um bar, no Acuipe.