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Key Differences and Other Aspects of Edge Computing vs Cloud Computing You Should Know About

Advanced failure detection and mitigation technology constantly monitors for potential problems and takes corrective action automatically. As a result, applications remain online and no data is lost, even when a failure occurs. Both computing platforms allow for data at rest and data in motion to be encrypted and processed within the mandated jurisdiction. Outsourcing edge and cloud computing requirements to well-known vendors who follow a shared responsibility model makes complying with local and global regulations a straightforward, hassle-free task. As regulators strive to understand more about the operations and benefits of edge and cloud computing systems, it is imperative for organizations that use these computing platforms to comply with all relevant regulations. Cloud computing has literally changed the way software solutions operate today, allowing products to exist in a virtual environment.

  • This process can be time and resource intensive, especially in organizations handling large amounts of data.
  • Another issue that comes with this technology is that since data has to be transmitted and if the device goes down, data can have trouble reaching and being processed.
  • As a result of data residency or low latency requirements, some workloads must remain on-premises.
  • By working together, edge and cloud computing can instantaneously help complete resource-intensive tasks such as large-scale artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) operations.
  • Cloud computing is a centralized model where data is stored, processed, and accessed from a remote data center, while fog computing is a decentralized model where data is processed closer to edge devices.
  • With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the proliferation of smart devices, traditional cloud computing solutions are facing new challenges.

The fog layer provides additional security measures to edge devices, such as encryption and authentication. This helps to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. IBM provides an autonomous management offering that addresses the scale, variability and rate of change in edge environments.


Edge computing is a distributed computing model that brings computation and data storage closer to the end-users or edge devices, such as smartphones, sensors, and IoT devices. In other words, edge computing moves the processing power from centralized cloud data centers to the network edge, which can result in faster response times, lower latency, and reduced network congestion. Edge computing also enables real-time data processing and analysis, which is crucial for applications that require low latency, high bandwidth, and low data transfer costs. It is based on the idea of moving the processing power and data storage closer to the end-users or edge devices, rather than relying on a centralized cloud infrastructure. Edge computing sits at the center of the network while cloud sits at the periphery. This allows for faster response times, lower latency, and reduced network congestion, especially for applications that require real-time data processing and analysis.

Edge computing vs other models

Virtualization in cloud computing allows cloud providers to optimize the usage of their infrastructure. For instance, a single hardware server can be split into multiple, distinct virtual servers that cater to different users. Processing time is enhanced as all the data is processed at the edge, minimizing the need for communicating with a central processing system.

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Sensor computing enables organizations to move some of their analytics processes to the endpoints to minimize latency and maximize performance. However, the computations are less complex because the endpoints have minimal hardware. The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and automation has required organizations to leverage networks as close to data sources as possible to minimize latency. Because they are near the data, they can perform basic computations using sensors. Because they are more expensive and not available everywhere, cloud edge is best suited for enterprises and large operations with high data demands and nearby existing infrastructures.

When researching the benefits of edge computing, you’re likely to encounter the term latency. With regard to edge computing, network latency refers to the amount of time it takes for a data packet to travel from one place to another. These insights make it easier to determine performance indicators like a website or application’s load time.

Edge computing implementation

Edge computing and cloud computing are two popular paradigms in the world of computing. While both are designed to provide computing resources and services to end users, they differ significantly in their architecture, functionality, and use cases. Thus, edge computing allows real-time data engagement by relocating part of your data analytics closer to the data source.

Edge computing vs other models

Device edge networks are ideal for simple and highly specialized applications, so it’s vital to understand your organizational goals and your devices’ capabilities before implementing them. Note that the emergence of edge computing is not advised to be a total replacement for cloud computing. Their differences can be likened to those between an SUV and a racing car, for example. Cloud computing services can be deployed in terms of business models, which can differ depending on specific requirements. Self-driven or AI-powered cars and other vehicles require a massive volume of data from their surroundings to work correctly in real-time. When comparing these two computing types, it can be helpful to keep in mind that they are not interchangeable technologies.

Economy of Scale Through Edge Devices

Edge computing has both its advantages and disadvantages, but most IT experts agree that it isn’t going away, especially with the forecasted growth of 5G access in the near future. More users are using more kinds of devices at an incessant pace, meaning that edge computing and the way it’s used are changing frequently too. COVID-19 has no doubt altered the working landscape which had meant business leaders had to rethink their remote working strategies. During this period, the cloud has allowed for data to be shared across organisations securely.

Perceive creates chips for edge devices, primarily smart home security devices. These chips allow the devices to understand images, video, and audio while limiting the volume of potentially sensitive data they have to send to the cloud. Similarly, companies like Microsoft use edge computing in IoT devices that are less cloud-dependent. Compute edge is best for companies that don’t have access to nearby data centers and have various edge computing needs. While MDCs cost more than device edge networks, they also serve a wider variety of use cases. For computing challenges faced by IT vendors and organizations, cloud computing remains a viable solution.

Differences Between Cloud Computing and Edge Computing

Edge computing, then, leads to less total data moving to the cloud, which means less data to monitor and manage for breaches. Cloud computing has advanced security measures in place to secure data in the cloud, while fog computing focuses on providing security measures to edge devices. Banks may need edge to analyze ATM video feeds in real-time in order to increase consumer definition of edge computing safety. Mining companies can use their data to optimize their operations, improve worker safety, reduce energy consumption and increase productivity. Retailers can personalize the shopping experiences for their customers and rapidly communicate specialized offers. Edge computing can help lower dependence on the cloud and improve the speed of data processing as a result.

Edge computing requires a distributed application architecture (DAA), which enables users to interact with a device network through a single environment. One of the earliest use cases for autonomous vehicles will most likely be truck convoy platooning. In this case, a convoy of trucks follows closely behind one another, conserving fuel and reducing congestion. Because the trucks will be able to interact with each other with ultra-low latency, edge computing will make it feasible to eliminate the requirement for drivers in all vehicles to save the front one. People in charge of these devices will almost certainly wish to offload data to analyze and improve performance and obtain photos and other data collected by the vehicle’s numerous pieces of equipment.

Advantage two: latency

Branch edge networks are dedicated edge networks specialized for each organizational branch. Sometimes called local area network edge systems, they provide specific, low-latency solutions suited for each office’s goals, challenges and needs. They’re best suited for companies that have location-specific operations and multiple branches. Often, organizations turn to cloud-native technology to manage their edge AI data centers.

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